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10th Grade: Digital Art & 2D Digital Animation

You will be required EVERY DAY to bring a:




Absolutely no exceptions. 

Most, not all, of the assignments for the year will be below to give you an outline on what to expect as well as what we will be doing this year. The directions, examples, links will be below for each project. :)

Homework will also be assigned every Tuesday and Thursday.

Contact me at: TYSONANIMATIONEO@GMAIL.COM with any questions. 

Today you will be learning about our animation program with a presentation! You can follow at the link below.


 You can also refer to syllabus at the link below. 


You will be required EVERY DAY to bring a:




Absolutely no exceptions. 

Do not forget your pencil. 

You will be using this website every day as well as Schoology, Focus, & storing your work in a Google Drive.

I will go over all the technology tomorrow! 

#1: Syllabus & Intro Presentation

-Please complete form at link below. 2-3 FULL SENTENCE answers.

Click me!

-Log into Schoology and make sure you are in my class:

Click here

Or Here

-Create a GMAIL email address & log into google drive:

Click here

#2: Getting to know you & Other

#3 & #4: Animation & the 12 Principles

Today we will be watching two videos on the process & principles of animation to become more familiar with it. 

-Short video & Worksheet on intro to animation: 

Click here

Watch the short video and complete worksheet on 12 principles:

Click here! 

#5: Intro to Animation History

You will need a notebook each day we will cover history as we go through early animation history on the overhead projector.

It is extremely important that you take and keep your notes. Take care of them & bring them each history day.

We will be watching clips, films, taking notes, and learning  a lot. Fun fact: Animation history is my FAVORITE! 

This year we will be learning how to use computer to create animation and drawing. We will start by introducing you to the interface of PS.


This is an instructor led lesson where we will be going  through of the basic tools in photoshop, interface, & how to use them. 

We will be taking notes on what each tool does as well as how to set up for a scene for drawing or image editing.


This is very important as we will be referring to them for every project and you will be relying on these notes to remind you who, what, where, and how to use these tools. You will also be able to use your notes on any quiz, test, or challenge you get so make sure you are taking them well.


You will be graded on their organization and neatness as well.


Bring your notebook DAILY. 

#6: Intro to Photoshop Interface

In these project, we will be altering the image below. you will be using the tools we went over in the previous class to edit this image. We will be doing a demo instructor led lesson then you will be working on these individually. 

There needs to be one of each of the following alterations:

You must create a file with the proper resolution and then import the image below into the scene.

Background delete and replace

Image color change

Blur tool

Burn and dodge somewhere


Paint bucket

Clone stamp

#7: Image altering exercise

For this project, we will be combining two animals or an object and an animal to create a hybrid animal. An example of this would be: a hedgehog and a hair brush, a hot dog and an actual dog, an egg and a goose. These are to give you an idea but these can not be used.

You will have to come up with your own. Get creative! You all will have no problem with that!

Part 1: 

Your first exercise is to come up with 3 different ideas in list form. One of these will be approved.

You then will start to collect images and place them in your folder for this project inside of your folder on the desktop of your computer. (Make sure you keep your folders organized. )

Homework: Sketch out your idea of your animal combination.

Part 2:

 You will then create your file scene in photoshop and begin to import your images. Remember: this is an animal combo scene and you will be using more than one image for each of the parts of the animals. Don’t just rely on one image!

Then you will delete the background for each of your images and begin placing them to combine them.

Remember: Get creative on how your place them. Have them follow the form of the animal so that it looks natural and believable.

You will then begin editing them together using the eraser on low opacity, clone stamp, magic wand, and many other tools that you may need.

Final: you will save your final as a JPEG and upload it in the assignment in SCHOOLOGY. This will not be accepted anywhere else.


If file is not a JPEG in SCHOOLOGY it will be a ZERO.

#8: Image combo exercise

#9 Text Exercise

In this project we will be using the text tool to crate words and visually express them through the tools, fonts, and text options in photoshop.

This project is to teach us how to use text to add to an image by visually expressing the emotion or feel to a word.

We will be using color theory, emotion, and more to let our creative juices flow.

We will choose 6 words first. Then we will find fonts that allow us to express those words. Try not to think literally! We will then use our layer options, stroke, color, and textures to add to out words.

One of the words will have to be our name.

Final: you will save your final as a JPEG and upload it in the assignment in SCHOOLOGY. This will not be accepted anywhere else.

#10 Designing a Billboard

You will design a billboard advertisement for an already made item, show, brand, etc.

You will try to make it look as realistic as possible by using the tools, techniques that you have learned, perspective and lighting to fit into this scene.


Copy and paste this scene provided into a photoshop document that you have created and sketch your design first! Have fun with it! 

#11 History Poster

n this project we will be using the tools in the PS interface to create a poster for an important animator in animation history or a film or cartoon.

This project is to to put all of the skills that we have learned together to create a poster about people, events or studios by researching each topic and designing a poster for each.

You are to design a poster using  PS with basic shapes, lines, clipart, fonts, blending options and more. Here are some examples of designs for posters below.

You will be graded for BOTH the design and the history of animation.

#12: Intro to the Tablet

In this project we will be learning how to use a tablet by drawing basic shapes to learn how to draw just like we have in 6h and 9th grade. We will be using the drawing tablets as well as the brush tool for a majority of this project.

This project is to teach us how to use the tablet to draw in photoshop and eventually will begin creating animation this year.

We will have to use these skills in the next project where we will be creating an on model drawing so let’s try to get comfortable with the tablet and pay attention to our line quality and negative space!

#13: Walk Cycle

This animation is of a cartoon character completing a walk movement on a path to be looped and create a “walk cycle”

We will be creating this DIGITALLY in our digital interface. 

This character will have to be drawn ON MODEL *exactly as the original in the example*

1. Create timing chart and path

2. Create Guidelines

3. Create ticks on path and check timing chart (make sure they are each the same spacing. Very important!)

4. Complete Keyframes

5. Complete Breakdown

6. Complete Inbetweens and prepare for filming. Pages in order.

File must be exported as a .mov, .mp4, or .gif in SCHOOLOGY to be accepted. 

#14: Bouncing Ball Stretch and Squash Tablet

An animation of a ball moving on ARCS on a path like a bouncy ball hitting the ground and coming back up but this time it will change its weight *not volume, think of it as a water-balloon* to stretch and squash as it hits the ground and bounces back up.

1. Create timing chart and path

2. Create Guidelines

3. Create ticks on path and check timing chart (make sure they are each the same spacing. Very important!)

4. Complete Keyframes

5. Complete Breakdown

6. Complete Inbetweens and prepare for filming. Pages in order.


File must be exported as a .mov, .mp4, or .gif in SCHOOLOGY to be accepted. 

#15: Fish Jump Animation

For this animation you will be animating a fish jumping out of water, catching something from the air, and back into the water in a loop. 


You will have to create your own timing chart, have the item creating a bouncing ball motion, as well as your own fish design.  

Here is an example of a completed fish animation:

#16: Lip Sync Animation

n this project we will be creating a character bust (shoulders and up) which we will be animating them mouthing out vowels.


This will help us begin lip syncing and character dialogue and speech.

You will look in the mirror to see what your face looks like when you say each of the vowels: a,e,i,o,u and you will draw them each on individual layers. 

We will then use these layers (frmes) to animate your character saying : Hello my name is (NAME) and I am an animator!

Advanced students will also add stretch & squash to the whole face & features.

You may choose to add an additional phrase for extra credit or advanced work. 

Closing: One page explaining (1) which of the 12 principles are being used in the stretch and squash animation and their definition, (2) how and where are they being used in this animation, and (3) WHY are they being used (whats the purpose of us using them.)Go into as much detail as possible

#17: Character Acting w/
Lip Sync

Character thinking, trying to say something, stopping, then saying something of your choice. 

You will be creating the keys first: thinking, trying to say something, going back, saying your phrase & end.

This is a combination of anticipation & lip sync in a character animation. 

*Hint: do not make your character too detailed. Add details LAST* 

Here is an example of the movement:

#18: Character Groove

Character grooving to music. 

For this animation you will be choosing or creating a character to be grooving to music. You can use whatever music you would like (school appropriate) and you will be creating the dance. 

Your goal for this is to show the character moving to the music. We should be able to tell about the character's personality, type of music, etc. from the movement. 

You may choose to animate a full body movement/ dance (advanced) or simple shoulders and up head bob. 

Here is an example.

#19: Perspective Bounce (Character)

For this animation we will be creating a grod, a location (of your choice) and animating a basic shape of a rectangle stretching an squshing into the background. 

You will then turn the rectangle into a character of your design. 

1. Create timing chart and path

2. Create Guidelines

3. Create ticks on path and check timing chart (make sure they are each the same spacing. Very important!)

4. Complete Keyframes

5. Complete Breakdown

6. Complete Inbetweens and prepare for filming. Pages in order.

Final: Character skit & Final Animation 

In this animation you will be combining everything that we have learned the past two years to create your own character skit.


You will be storyboarding (1 week), 

Creating an animatic (2 weeks)

And Finally completing the animation (1 month) for this animation. 

You must tell a story in your animation and it must have at least one character. (Bipedal) 

Characters can be: racing each other, talking to each other, doing chores, anticipating something, trying to fall asleep and cant, going for a walk, but whatever you do, MAKE. IT. INTERESTING. Adn make sure it tells a story! Get creative! 

This project has to be a minimum of 30 seconds (60 seconds or more for advanced.)

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